That's right. They all have them. All in different colors, with cool handles that shoot up at the touch of a button. Rolling backpacks for elementary students today are what wearing my backpack on one shoulder was back in the day. Totally COOL!
I got to thinking, and these kids have the right idea. For years I trudged down my schools' halls carrying backpacks filled to the brim with back breaking amounts of books, Lisa Frank folders with kitties on them, and notebooks I occasionally wrote "Mrs. fill in the blank" in. Today, I see a chiropractor roughly twice a week due to urgent and excruciating chronic back pain. Sure I flew over my bike's handle bars one too many times, but I'm sure the 17 years of brick bag torture devices didn't help either.
So, keep it up kiddos! You keep on rockin' and rollin'! Someday you can start a money jar entitled "money I saved by not having a jacked-up back from my backpack". Maybe you can donate to the "repair the *buzzard hump" fund.
* The area in my neck where two of my vertebra clanked together during a wreck, leaving me with one fused beauty of a mass.

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