At lunch I decided that instead of sitting in my room in the dark with the door closed in my corner desk where nobody can see me from the door's window, I would go to the dreaded teachers' lounge and make nice. As soon as I walked in one of the kindergarten teachers was calling some kid a bastard and I turned right back around. Perhaps I wasn't ready for that just yet. The moral of the story is that each day you get a chance to make the most of your day and I won't lie to you, most days I choose to be a bitter bitch, but that's not workin' out for me so well anymore (as if it ever did). No matter where you are and no matter what you're doing you can convince yourself to be miserable, this I now. BUT, and this is the crazy part, no matter where you are and no matter what you are doing you can convince yourself to be HAPPY! Ya I only really teach kids for three hours a day followed by endless hours of paperwork in front of a nonresponsive computer screen. Sure I have to drive two and a half hours almost every weekend in order to see my boyfriend of four years. Ya the principal wouldn't know if I had died in my desk chair. But, it's all good. Lot's of people my age are still "soul searching", aka have no idea what they want to do and would like to think about their options while slipping farther into debt. I'm 23, I have a job that pays well, I'm taking pilates and gettin' tight, and I'm going to Japan.... I think. Today I will choose to be happy once more!
Japan Fact: Japanese teachers are expected to incorporate a lot of excitement and even music into their lessons. A smile goes a long way in the Japanese culture.
I better keep this up then....
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